Serving global communities

Our motivation for focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging is to better serve our communities. Diverse workforces are more representative of the human race as a whole—and that’s ultimately who Calian serves.

$650Kin community giving
30+Indigenous community engagements
125patient support programs in 10 countries
300Kpatient enrollments
4000psychological assessments delivered

A diverse team

Calian is proud to have representation and participation from diverse groups of people across our business units. We’ve felt the first-hand benefits of diversifying our teams and supporting underrepresented populations in obtaining the skills they need for new roles. Fresh perspectives. New innovation. Higher levels of job satisfaction. That’s what you can expect from life at Calian.  

An equitable workplace

As an equal opportunity employer, Calian values fairness—in our hiring process but also throughout your career. Our recruitment team takes every step possible to mitigate hiring bias by following a fair, accessible and inclusive process. Our leadership team ensures everyone has access to the same treatment and advancement opportunities.

Employing women in STEM

45% female representation across our global workforce.

We recognize that employees are what make Calian such a high-performing, innovative company. That’s why we’re making every effort to be an equitable employer, welcoming women into many STEM roles, alongside other equity initiatives.

An impactful future

The positive impact of Calian is felt around the world. We’re guided by a moral compass, directing us to do the meaningful, honest work we take on every day. Our employees engineer innovative, creative solutions for the complex challenges that affect us all. 

Calian CARES™—Collaboration to Advance Resilience Excellence and Sustainability

$650K in corporate giving

In 2021, Calian embarked on formalizing our environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. We recognize that ESG is more than a buzzword—truly embracing ESG is about embedding sustainability in everything we do.

Download the ESG Report

Calian understands the impacts of climate change

By understanding our own carbon footprint and working daily to deliver innovative emergency planning, environmental and food safety solutions, we believe together we can create a more sustainable future.

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Collaboration is key to positive social impact

94% of employees believe Calian is a socially responsible company

We are committed to creating a more sustainable, resilient world by providing a safe, healthy and engaging environment for our people, and leveraging our core competencies to positively impact the communities we serve.

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We are committed to ethical business practices and transparent reporting

Our board values the trust our stakeholders place in us, which extends to the governance required to integrate ESG throughout our business.

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Calian aligns ESG priorities to the internationally recognized UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

45% women across global regular employee workforce

We have selected eight SDGs that align with our corporate mission, key solutions, environmental aspirations and our commitment to our people and the world at large.

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